Goat Quiz

QUIZ: Which Type of Goat Are You?

Chinese New Year starts February 19 and, according to the Chinese zodiac, this year is the Year of the Goat (or Sheep, or Ram, no difference in Chinese). So, to celebrate the most popular New Year in the world, let’s take a little self-exploratory quiz.

Keep track of your answers. Your results will reveal which of four historical figures, all born on the Year of the Goat, you share the most traits with.

1. Happy Chinese New Year! How would you prefer to celebrate?
A. A simple but warm gathering of friends
B. A festive celebration with music, dancing, and art
for all to enjoy
C. A grand banquet, with me at the head, of course
D. An exclusive gathering, filled with society’s glamorous elite

2. What’s the most important thing in your life?
A. My country
B. My duty to others
C. Me
D. My position and possessions

3. Let’s say you’re a ruler, and a belligerent enemy is ready to invade. What do you do?
A. Defend my country at the border
B. Peacefully reason and negotiate until
they become my allies
C. Overwhelm them with a terrifying show of force
D. Scheme and plot, tricking the enemy government to

4. What do you value most in your friends?
A. Their loyalty and courage
B. Their virtue
C. Their intelligence and talent
D. Their usefulness

5. What’s your life motto?
A. Live righteously, no matter what
B. Everyone has a purpose they can fulfill
C. The best defense is a good offense
D. Others can agree to disagree, but the final say rests on me

6. Your enemies fear your because of your:
A. Skill and popularity
B. They don’t fear me, they respect me
C. Terrible temper and thirst for revenge
D. Status and power

7. When it comes to solving a problem, second opinions—
A. Are invaluable
B. Can be supplemented by third and fourth ones
C. Are given at your own risk
D. Are a waste of time

8. How do you feel about your country?
A. I would die for it willingly
B. I care for it tenderly, as for my own children
C. Things would be much better if I were in charge
D. It is mine to do with as I see fit

9. You are a juror and the defendant claims innocence. Your first reaction is to:
A. Give him the benefit of the doubt
B. Eagerly anticipate the testimonials and expert opinions
C. Want to silence the liar with a swift execution
D. Want to torture him until he confesses

10. When heading out, you never fail to bring along:
A. A trusty weapon
B. An open mind and a warm heart
C. Backup plans and plans for backup plans
D. Attendants to see to my whims

If you answered mostly:

A – You’re a noble spirit with a courageous heart and most resemble the great Song Dynasty general Yue Fei.

B – You are kind and nurturing and resemble one of China’s greatest rulers—Emperor Taizong of the majestic Tang Dynasty.

C – People are wary of you, and probably with good reason, because you take after the warlord Cao Cao.

D – You have high standards, but whether they are the right ones remains a question, as it did for Empress Dowager Cixi.

Find out more about each of these four characters born on the Year of the Goat.